
T: 01225 707646    E: info@kristek.co.uk   

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5 Axis Machining

Kristek uses the latest 5 axis machining technology for the complex machining of high precision components.

Our 5 axis machining centre has an integrated pallet loader for unmanned running as well as a Renishaw on-machine-probe for process control.



Components can be manufactured from a wide range of materials including: Aluminium, Stainless Steel, Titanium and Inconel which are all available in both commercial and aerospace release grades.

Parts are manufactured in low and high volume, our 5 axis machining batches are typically high mix, low volume, one-off to 1000.

CNC Machinery
Large Diagonal Turning


We are chosen suppliers for industries requiring high precision components machined within very tight tolerances.

These include: Aerospace, Defence, Medical and Power Generation.

Kristek Precision Sign

Get In Touch

Contact us today on 01225 707 646 or email info@kristek.co.uk for all your 5 axis machining requirements. If you would like to see us, we welcome visitors to meet our team and have a tour of our high capacity workshop.

From small to medium size batch productions, we'll quote for the reliable, quality components you need.